
A blog dedicated to my (mis)adventures into Fantasy Flight Games’ glorious space combat miniature game, “X Wing“.

My name is Josh, a twenty-something Wargamer and general nerd, in the least ironic sense of the word. I have been playing games with plastic and metal soldiers for the better part of 18 years, initially through the hobby gateway drug that is Games Workshop’s Warhammer and 40K games.

I whiled away whole swathes of my younger and more formative years, lost in the deep, richness of these fantasy worlds, content and safe. So, you can imagine my shock and horror when I was rudely awakened from this stupefied daze, when GW called time on the single longest love of my life – Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I rapidly went back and forth through the spectrum of grievance, eventually settling for distant ambivalence toward their products, and an ember of disdain toward them.

Anywhooooo… after the fallout that followed Games Workshop pulling the plug on Warhammer Fantasy, a game I had been playing for most of my life, I stumbled across X-Wing as somewhat of a crutch and coping mechanism for the vacuous hole left in my life. Since August 2015, my relationship with this game has been an illogical, irrational and totally irresponsible love affair, and I regret absolutely nothing.

Posts will be eclectic in their content, covering everything from games with new and old adversaries, through tactical wondering and list building, to my poorly disciplined attempts to methodically build up my Rebel and Imperial (and as of 17/03/16, Scum) fleets.

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